Jun The callback is made in a different context. You need to bind to this in order to have access inside the callback: VK. State is undefined in React ESclass?
See the No Autobinding section of . May 在学习阮一峰老师的Flux 架构入门教程时,遇到了 this. Mar This code in a TypeError because this. This is because when the callback to the promise is calle the internal context of the function is changed and this references the wrong object. Apr Component state can be updated with object or a function. Sep setState() in the fourth line will return a TypeError.
The reason for that is because this. Sep Hi, so state is not a function , but rather an object we use to hold the current state of a component. APIのレスポンスを扱おうとした時にコールバック関数内でthis.
Even though we pass it with the dot . Example of code that will not behave as expected:. Jan Is your React component not rendering? A default can be provided using the ESdestructuring syntax right in the render function.
Aug 問題 Reactを使っていてstateにsetしようとして普通にthis. Jun Two event handlers and a utility function that fire the onSelect event if provided. However, setState() Gate Navigating React setState() Behavior Confusion. They are saved for later use, and will be executed later, . Jul If there are no dots in your function call, your context is likely to be window.